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Sacred Heart Primary School, Granard, Co. Longford

Retirement of Marett Smith as Principal

9th Feb 2023

Over two days in October 2022, the school Board of Management, together with the staff organised a farewell celebration for Marett Smith who served as principal of Sacred Heart Primary School from 1999-2022, having previously held the position of Principal in the Boys' School on the hill. Marett spent over 30 years contributing to education in the Granard area.

On Wednesday October 5th the pupils from each class adapted the lyrics to various songs to suit the occasion in a special tribute concert show.

On Thursday October 6th, a special mass of thanksgiving was celebrated by Fr, Simon Cadam PP in St. Mary's Church, Granard, followed by the opening of the school's latest extension by Marett and the unveiling of the a new pupil bench in her honour. Past pupils and staff, together with friends and family gathered to wish Marett well.

Marett’s teaching career began in Mullahoran NS in 1981. She headed to Rathowen NS and from there to St. Teresa’s NS, Killoe. Past pupils have always spoken about how she took on every challenge- with great determination and opened the doors and stage to new and wonderful opportunities for them. In 1988, she took up a teaching post in Bunlahy NS before entering the history books as the first female Principal of a Boys School in Co. Longford, research to be done if this was also a national title. In 1999, when the two schools here in town amalgamated, Marett once again made history in becoming the first lay principal on the current campus here.

Since then, she oversaw the great transformation and introduction of many initiatives and improvements to Sacred Heart. With Marett at the helm, our school became recognised as a progressive school with modern facilities, with 3 extensions, and another in the pipeline, together with remodeled playing grounds, an Astro Turf, playing field, sensory garden and the Rainbow Room, for children with Autism.


We thank you Marett for all you have done for our school, you have left a lasting impression in all aspects of it, you should be very proud of it each time you pass by. We wish you all the best for a long, happy and fun-filled retirement.

Highlights Reel:

Pupil Concert:

Retirement Mass & Celebrations:


Longford Leader Newspaper Report: