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Sacred Heart Primary School, Granard, Co. Longford

Allied recycling 'Design an advert' Competition Winner

27th May 2022

On Tuesday the 17th of May 2022, Hanna Zajac from 5th class was presented with her prize of a 500 euro voucher for Smyths Toy store. The prize was presented to Hanna by Allied recycling for winning their 'Design an advert' competition. 

Hanna, as well as the other students in 5th class entered the poster competition which was ran by Allied recycling earlier in the year. The advert had to be recycling or compost focused because Allied as a company are committed to providing a greener future. 

Hanna's advert is now featured on some Allied lorries, and her win also secured 1,000 euro worth or equipment for Sacred Heart P.S. 

We are very proud of Hanna, and all of her classmates were delighted to celebrate her achievement with her.

Well done Hanna!